Road Data Bank is a key support system for road network management. It has a database that registers localised road information, such as information about road management, its geometry, condition, land use and accessories lane road, traffic and many others.
The fact that the mileage of roads define reference points, which in the space are described by three geographical coordinates, ensures the stability of the designated course of the road. Points and reference sections in between are a reference system, the underlying operation of Road Data Bank, as well as constituting a reference system for locating events on the road. In addition, each event is supplemented by chainage on the road.
RDB application consists of the following modules:
- Edit (entering, viewing and data correction)
- Records (keeping records of roads, printing road books and summaries for the CSO to Microsoft Excel * or PDF documents)
- Linear Plan (presentation of data on the road in graphical form)
- Map (presentation of data on a map using controls PPWK NavigoX *)
- Reports (print reports based on predefined templates for Microsoft Excel * and create your own templates, visualization of events in GIS – ESRI ArcView 3.x * and ESRI ArcMap 9.x *)
- Administration (RDB system management, the set of features that enable sharing of data and the automation of certain operations)
- MAS (data exchange systems SOPO* and SOSN*, graphical presentation of measurement data)
- The data (downloading slave units)
The program meets all the requirements of the two regulations set by the Ministry of Infrastructure on 16 February 2005 on the mode of preparation of the information collection and sharing of data on the public road network (Journal of Laws No. 67 pos. 583) and the method of numbering and keeping records of public roads, bridges, tunnels, culverts and ferries and registry numbers given to roads, bridges and tunnels (Journal of Laws No. 67 pos. 582).
Road Data Bank is equipped with an automatic update option. With an Internet connection, the system will notify you about the availability of a new version and will guide you through the upgrade process.
* Additional software requires the purchase of a license from the manufacturer.